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The Three Goats Three goats are brothers.They see green grass on a hill.The grass looks very good.The biggest goat says."let's go eat that grass!"The other goats say. "OK."The hill is across a river.A bridge goes over the river.The biggest goat says."Let's go across the bridge."The other goats say. "OK." A troll lives under the bridge.The troll is hungry.He hears a goar on the bridge.He wants to eat the goat!Th.. 2024. 11. 7.
Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes There was one little baby who was born far away.And another who was born on the very next day.And both of these babies, as everyone knows had ten little fingers and ten little toes.There was one little baby who was born in a town.And another who was wrapped in an eiderdown.And both of these babies, as everyone knows had ten little fingers and ten little toes.There was one little baby who was bor.. 2024. 11. 7.
하루 20문장으로 영어 공부하기 12 Can I...?   ~~제가 ~~해도 될까요? 1. Can I have a glass of water?   물 한잔 마실수 있을까요?2. Can I sit here?  여기 앉아도 될까요?3. Can I use your phone?  전화 빌려도 될까요?4. Can I borrow a pen?   펜 좀 빌려도 될까요?5. Can I ask you a question?   질문 해도 될까요?6. Can I see the menu please?  메뉴 볼수 있을까요?7. Can I go to the restroom?   화장실 가도 될까요?8. Can I pay by credit card?   신용카드로 결제해도 될까요?9. Can I bring a friend?   친구 데려와도 될까요?10. Can .. 2024. 11. 6.
하루 20 문장으로 영어 공부하기 11 I have to  ~~해야 한다 1. I have to go to work early tomorrow.  내일 일찍 출근해야 한다.2. I have to call my mom.  엄마한테 전화 해야 한다.3. I have to clean my room.  내 방을 청소해야 한다.4. I have to take my dog for a walk.  개 산책시켜야 한다.5. I have to study.  공부해야한다.6. I have to pay the bills today.   오늘 고지서를 내야한다.7. I have to go to the dentist.  치과에 가야한다.8. I have to cook dinner tonight.  오늘 저녁에 요리해야 한다.9. I have to wake up ea.. 2024. 11. 5.