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하루 20문장으로 영어 공부하기 49 Do you wnat to    너는 ~~하고 싶니? 1. Do you wnat to go for a walk?   산책하러 가고 싶니?2. Do you want to watch a movie tonight?   오늘밤 영화보고 싶니?3. Do you wnat to wat something?   뭔가 먹고 싶나요?4. Do you want to play a game?   게임하고 싶나요?5. Do you want to visit the museum?   박물관에 가고 싶나요?6. Do you want to try this new restaurant?   이 새로운 식당에 가보고 싶나요?7. Do you want to learn how to cook?   요리 배우고 싶나요?8. Do you want to.. 2024. 12. 10.
하루 20 문장으로 영어 공부하기 11 I have to  ~~해야 한다 1. I have to go to work early tomorrow.  내일 일찍 출근해야 한다.2. I have to call my mom.  엄마한테 전화 해야 한다.3. I have to clean my room.  내 방을 청소해야 한다.4. I have to take my dog for a walk.  개 산책시켜야 한다.5. I have to study.  공부해야한다.6. I have to pay the bills today.   오늘 고지서를 내야한다.7. I have to go to the dentist.  치과에 가야한다.8. I have to cook dinner tonight.  오늘 저녁에 요리해야 한다.9. I have to wake up ea.. 2024. 11. 5.
How Bear Lost His Tail Long ago, Bear had a tail.It was a vert nice tail!He was proud of it.Bear met bird. He said. " Look at my tail. It's pretty! "Bear met Fox. He said. " Look at my tail. It's long and brown!"Bear talked a lot about his tail.Fox and Bird did not like that. One winter day, Fox had an idea.He went to the lake.He cut a hole in the ice.He caught a lot of fish.Fox put the fish next to the hole.Then he w.. 2024. 11. 3.