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The Fox and the Crow A crow sits in a tree.She holds some cheese.A fox sees the crow.The fox wants the cheese.He knows how to get it. "Hello, crow." he says.The crow stops.She looks down.She does not eat.She wants to hear.The fox lies. "You are pretty." he says."I love your feathers." The crow is happy.No one says that. "It's true!" the fox says."You are so pretty." The crow is happy.She thinks.I am pretty?He loves .. 2024. 10. 28.
The crow and the pitcher It is a hot day.A crow wants to drink.She sees a pitcher.She sees water inside.She is happy.She puts her head in.She cannot drink. It is too far down.She tries again.She cannot drink.She is not happy. The crow sits.The crow thinks.What can i do? she thinks. She sees pebbles.They are on the ground.They are small.They fit inside.She drops pebbles in the pitcher. The water rises.She drops more pebb.. 2024. 10. 24.
하루 20 문장으로 영어 공부하기5 I need to  ~해야해 1. I need to eat.   난 먹어야해.2. I need to rest.   난 쉬어야해.3. I need to go home.   난 집에 가야해.4. I need to call you.   난 너에게 전화해야해.5. I need to sleep.   난 자야 해.6. I need to work.   난 일해야해.7. I need to study.   난 공부해야해.8. I need to write a letter.   난 편지 써야 해.9. I need to buy that bag.   난 저 가방 사야해.10. I need to catch the fly.   난 그 파리 잡아야해.11. I need to pee.   나 오줌마려뭐.12. I need to imp.. 2024. 10. 21.
하루 20문장으로 영어 공부하기 4 I want to   난 원해 1. I want to eat pizza for lunch.  난 점심으로 피자 원해.2. I want to go to the beach.  난 해변으로 가길 원해.3. I want to learn how to roast coffee.   나는 커피로스팅을 배우길 원해.4. I want to watch a movie tonight.   난 오늘밤 영화보길 원해.5. I want to visit my family.   난 나의 가족을 방문하길 원해.6. I want to buy new shoes.   난 새 신발 사길 원해.7. I want to drink coffee at your cafe.   난 너의 카페에서 커피마시길 원해.8. I want to study englis.. 2024. 10. 17.