영어공부어16 하루 20 문장으로 영어 공부하기 13 What is ~~는 뭐야? 1. What is your name? 당신의 이름이 뭐에요?2. What is this? 이거 뭐에요?3. What is that? 저건 뭐에요?4. What is the time? 몇시에요?5. What is the price? 가격이 어떻게 되요?6. What is your phone number? 당신 폰번호가 뭐에요?7. What is in the box? 박스안에 뭐에요?8. What is your favorite food? 제일 좋아하는 음식이 뭐에요?9. What is your job? 당신 직업이 뭐에요?10. What is the problem? 문제가 뭐에요?11. What is so funny? 뭐가 그렇게 웃겨?12. What .. 2024. 11. 9. Noah's Ark God looks at the world.He is unhappy.The people are mean and bad.He is sorry he made the world.God thinks."I will destroy everything."But there is one good man.His name is Noah.God talks to Noah.He says. "I will flood the Earth. only you and your family will live." Noah listens carefully.God says. "Buils a big boat. Make a very big boat with many rooms."Noah is an old man.He has threee sons.The.. 2024. 11. 8. 하루 20 문장으로 영어 공부하기 11 I have to ~~해야 한다 1. I have to go to work early tomorrow. 내일 일찍 출근해야 한다.2. I have to call my mom. 엄마한테 전화 해야 한다.3. I have to clean my room. 내 방을 청소해야 한다.4. I have to take my dog for a walk. 개 산책시켜야 한다.5. I have to study. 공부해야한다.6. I have to pay the bills today. 오늘 고지서를 내야한다.7. I have to go to the dentist. 치과에 가야한다.8. I have to cook dinner tonight. 오늘 저녁에 요리해야 한다.9. I have to wake up ea.. 2024. 11. 5. 하루 20 문장으로 영어 공부하기 10 How about ~는 어때? 1. How about going to the beach this weekend? 이번 주말에 해변 가는거 어때?2. How about taking a break for a few minutes? 몇분 쉬는건 어때?3. How about watching a movie? 영화 보는건 어때?4. How about going for a walk? 산책하는건 어때?5. How about baking some cookies? 쿠키 구워보는거 어때?6. How about learning a new language? 새로운 언어 배워보는거 어때?7. How about planning a surprise party for her? 그녀를 위해 깜짝 파티를 계획하는건 어때?8... 2024. 11. 3. 이전 1 2 3 4 다음