Once there lived a poor young man named Aladdin.
He wanted to be a prince.
A wizard saw Aladdin stealing food.
"Come here young man." said the wizard.
"If you help me, I will make you rich."
The wizard told Aladdin to find a lamp.
The lamp was in a cave.
The cave was full of treasure!
"Give me the lamp!" said the wizard.
Why does he want this dirty old lamp?
thought Aladdin.
Aladdin rubbed the lamp to clean it.
A genie appeared!
Aladdin and the genie flew out of the cave.
They flew on a magic carpet.
The wizard was angry.
"What do you wish?" asked the genie.
"I wish to be a prince!" said Aladdin.
Aladdin became a prince.
Aladdin visited a princess.
They fell in love.
The wizard wanted the lamp.
So he tricked the princess.
He gave her a new lamp.
She gave him the old lamp.
Now the wizard had Aladdin's lamp.
"I wish to be a king." he said to the genice.
He became a king.
Now the wizard was strong.
Aladdin needed to trick the wizard.
He had a plan.
"Do you want strong magic?"
Aladdin asked the wizard.
"Become a genie."
"I wish to be a genie." said the wizard.
He was happy.
But Aladdin laughed.
The wizard was trapped in a lamp!
Aladdin made a last wish.
He wished his genie was free.
Aladdin married the princess.
They lived happily ever after.