Would you mind ~ing? ~~해도 괜찮을까요?
1. Would you mind opening the window? 창문 좀 열어 주시겠어요?
2. Would you mind turning off the lights? 불을 꺼 주시겠어요?
3. Would you mind helping me with this? 이것 좀 도와주시겠어요?
4. Would you mind speaking a little slower? 조금 천천히 말해 주시겠어요?
5. Would you mind repeating that? 그것을 다시 말씀해 주시겠어요?
6. Would you mind lending me your pen? 펜 좀 빌려주시겠어요?
7. Would you mind moving your bag? 가방을 좀 옮겨 주시겠어요?
8. Would you mind taking a picture for us? 우리 사진 좀 찍어 주시겠어요?
9. Would you mind explaining it again? 그것을 다시 설명해 주시겠어요?
10. Would you mind sharing your opinion? 당신의 의견을 공유해 주시겠어요?
11. Would you mind passing me the salt? 소금을 건네주실 수 있나요?
12. Would you mind not smoking here? 여기서 담배를 피우지 말아 주시겠어요?
13. Would you mind driving me to the station? 저를 역까지 태워다 주시겠어요?
14. Would you mind giving me some advice? 저에게 조언 좀 해주시겠어요?
15. Would you mind staying a bit longer? 조금 더 머물러 주시겠어요?
16. Would you mind emailing me the details? 세부 사항을 이메일로 보내 주시겠어요?
17. Would you mind if I joined you? 제가 함께 해도 괜찮을까요?
18. Would you mind carrying this box for me? 이 상자를 좀 들어 주시겠어요?
19. Would you mind turning on the air conditioner? 에어컨을 켜 주시겠어요?
20. Would you mind letting me know your decision? 당신의 결정을 알려 주시겠어요?